Tuesday, September 8, 2009

"Compton" by Guerilla Black (ft. Beanie Man)

Is you stupid nigga, get your shit together
While his message is clear for change, Mr. Black waits until the end of his opening verse to propose his economic premise undoubtedly rooted in labor theory of value. Calling for a much stronger, centralized economic model, Mr. Black cleverly begins his argument in a simple Question/Answer format: Question – are you comfortable in a system purposefully designed to exploit cheap labor and limit progression, my friend? Response to Answer – Hmm, as I anticipated. I suggest we consolidate our labor value to act as a bargaining chip against capital.

Yes I’m the thriller, whether I pop Crystal or drink Miller

Here Mr. Black attempts address the obvious weak points of his model by directing the reader’s attention to the personal sacrifices he will make with the common man. He, unlike most of his stature, is willing to forfeit his sparkling white wine in exchange for second-rate beer and a complete overhaul of our economic system. It can be argued that this proposed exchange reveals Mr. Black’s attempts to create a causal link between his infectious personality and his call for Marxian economics. We are of the opinion that this “gracious” gesture comes off as pompous sales pitch which leaves the audience slighted and in search of clarity. Most actors in this system do not possess Mr. Black’s charitable qualities. Herein lays the most basic counter to his economic theory: are you willing to forgo delicious alcoholic beverage in exchange for those which taste like fermented urinal cakes. We here at Raponomics are not.

Niggaz get fucked up when the mini sprays
It is here in which Mr. Black decides sticks to his guns and recaptures the audience’s attention. To do this, he paints a doomsday view of our current path. Translation: if our multipolar economic sphere remains constant, actors of every level will suffer. This of course ties in nicely with Mr. Black’s call for a unified working class and a strong central agency designed to promote the common good (as an alternative to unchecked competition and individual pursuits). Although morose, we are of the opinion that this stanza presents an excellent portrayal of the effect of “mini sprays” (e.g. competing actors, classes, and systems). In sum, Mr. Black not only salvages his argument but forms a solid case for a Marxian society premised on labor value principles.

Argument Presentation: B- (Abiye)

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